Sunday, March 24, 2013

Purple Day 3-26-13

This Tuesday March 26th is Purple Day, which is an international day to raise awareness about epilepsy and seizure disorders. Would you join us in wearing purple on Tuesday?  

As you know, Oliver’s daily seizures rob him of so much of his life; including a good bit of his development and language skills. Despite having hundreds of seizures the past 2 ½ years, he still is a joyful, happy child, and we love him with all our hearts.

And when you put on that purple, why don’t you go ahead and give thanks for your healthy children (if you are blessed enough to have them). Could you remind them to love and stand up for their friends with disabilities? After all, that is your role as the parent of a healthy kid. It is an opportunity to teach your child to choose compassion over impatience, to choose love over bullying; to choose to be a life-giver instead of hurting the most vulnerable.

So wear purple this Tuesday 3/26/13. Pray for Ollie, teach your children to love and pray for kids like Ollie, and
give us grace when our life just doesn’t work like yours...

for we are weary and we are scared....
scared of tiny caskets
and birthdays we may never celebrate
because to be brutally honest, we are afraid of being childless one day because the seizure monster claims lives
all the time.

This is the painful reality of intractable epilepsy and it is a

very hard one.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You have rocked my you often do with your posts. Thank you for your candidness and courage. Thank you for tuning me into epilepsy awareness....a dose of your daily reality. I think of you very often, as an inspiration, as a reminder of perspective. I know that this was not the type of inspiration you ever imagined being or would have wished for. I wish this was not a struggle you had to face. I wish you could know a thriving and healthy Ollie. But please know that for whatever reason G-d gave you this challenge, your courage does not go unnoticed and your story touches and effects my life more often than you know.