Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Wheels on the Bus

Last sunday we took our Lanier Property Group team to the Cucalorus Film Festival Oscar Party. We borrowed GranDad and Gran’s RV to transport our team. It was a super fun night, and I have to say our crew cleans up nicely!

Also, at LPG we have hired an assistant, which is a huge step in our growth. She is our first employee! Shaunna Kennedy is actually the person I had in mind when I wrote the job description, I just had no idea we could get her to join us. I SO love when God gives this kind of really good gift. 

Oliver’s seizures continue and recently have been on the rise (2-5 a day). We’ve been in constant contact with Dr.Thiele and her nurse (Jan). We’re shuffling medications around to see if we can address the seizures and some aggressive behavior we’ve been seeing. Kicking, biting, and pulling hair aren’t good ways to make friends with classmates, teachers, CNAs or mamas. We aren’t sure if a medication is triggering the aggression, or if we are still just stuck in toddlerville. We also are planning a trip to Boston over Easter for Oliver’s annual MRI of brain & kidneys, EEG, appointment with Dr.Thiele, etc.

As of a few weeks ago, we put Oliver back on Sabril. To read my original post about that first dose click here. It still makes me shiver when I think about it, but we have so few options... Prayers for the protection of his eyesight are constantly said around here.

For after-school activities we are exploring the Coastal Therapeutic Riding Program here in Wilmington. We are also going to the TEACCH Center for Autism in Wilmington so we can get help with Oliver. So many of his behaviors and challenges are outside the scope of “typical” parenting and we need HELP! We thankful for Kia and Becky who are already helping to create schedules and routines to aid in transitions and reduce tantrums and biting.

You see, between the CNAs (4 total), Stephanie Schneider (staying in our room over the garage), Occupational and Speech Therapists, our house is always full! Sometimes it feels more like a college girls dorm than a regular family home, which we really enjoy. Both Stephanie and the CNAs tell us about their lives, and we feel honored to be part of these special years. Often you’ll find a few of us gathered around our kitchen island laughing and talking... and those are some of our favorite times at the house.

Lastly, Oliver is now riding the bus home each day from Easter Seals UCP. Either us or the CNA is at home each day to get him off the bus. He is on the bus with other toddlers who some of which have special needs. There is a driver and also a spotter (in the event of a seizure, etc.).

The first day your child arrives home on the “short bus” is rather memorable. It is one of those days you don’t forget. It goes down with the other “firsts”: First ambulance ride, first Life-Flight, first brain surgery, first wound rupture, first dose of Sabril, first MRI, first day in a special needs preschool...

None of these firsts were expected, and yet we’re still here. All three of us are growing and learning. We know God will supply us the grace to grow into the other firsts before us...whatever they may be.

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