Friday, March 29, 2013

Sleepover, Epilepsy Style

Oliver is enjoying Italian Ice for his breakfast this morning in preparation for his MRI. He couldn't have any food after midnight, but so far the dessert for breakfast bit is working. 

Dr.Thiele popped by our room this morning and said she saw 8 seizures throughout the night, none of which Andrew and I noticed. They were brief, but 8 is obviously too many. She said it was also difficult to tell exactly where they were coming from, but she suspected the left side. 

The good news is that his electrical discharges between seizures were significantly less than last time. This is very important news for his development. If you think of the discharges as static or background noise you can imagine why this prevents learning and development. We are really thankful for this good news! 

I feel like I could go lie down on a rock and sleep for 48 hours. The sleep deprivation is similar to a newborn. Every time Oliver moved we had to make sure he wasn't tearing off his ding-dang "hat." So basically it goes like this:
You get comfortable (I say that loosely...this is a chair that makes a bed for a person size xs) and pull up the covers. You begin to drift off to sleep and then all the sudden you hear rapid movement in the bed. You bolt out of your chair-bed-thing-sized-for-a-pre-teen and make sure the hat is still intact. This happens no less than 20 times from 9 PM to 5:30 AM. Then around 3:00 AM, you get so tired of popping up like it is a fire every 15 minutes and get in bed with the toddler to intervene from there. You briefly remember not to shock the camera that is fully focused on your bed with an awesome view of your granny panties. 

That is a sleepover, epilepsy style. 

His MRI of his brain and kidneys is at 11:30. We'll write a short post this evening.


Rachael said...

thinking of you lady. hang in there. you and your family are doing wonderfully. my thoughts are with you guys.

Rachael said...

thinking of you lady and hope you all are hanging in. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Claudia said...

Love you!
Our prayers continue for you and yours!
Claudia and Brian

Claudia said...

Much love and continued prayers. Big HUG
Claudia and Brian