Monday, January 13, 2014

Praying for Ryan Margaret...brain surgery 1/16/14

Please join us in praying for and supporting sweet Ryan! This cutie is 2 1/2 and is having brain surgery on Thursday at the Cleveland Clinic. Would you join me in reaching out to this family and showing your love? I think we are too late to get the t-shirts they made, but you could take a photo holding a sign. Remember how we did that with Ollie on his surgery day? We got photos from all over the world and it was SO encouraging?

Those hours while you wait, while your child's skull is being cut by a saw and the hope of seizure freedom is dangling like a carrot before you...they are brutal hours.

Ryan Margaret's Blog:

Carrie and I don't really "know" each other, but like so many moms of medically fragile children we found each other through the blog. Her email to me Saturday morning was a gift. She told me she'd read through our blog as she prepares for Ryan's brain surgery. That she got the t-shirt idea from us, which of course we got from someone else!

To be able to encourage or help inspire others is a great honor. Having a sick child may be one of the hardest things a person ever deals with. When I'm get overwhelmed that I can't see the beauty in the ashes, along comes an email, a new friend and it helps me carry on.

Let's lift up and show our support for this beautiful girl and her parents on Thursday!

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