Thursday, January 23, 2014

We Have a Date

We'll have our pre-trial, baseline appointment for Cannabidiol therapy on 2-28-14!  We'll fly to Boston for the day (God help us) for the three hour appointment. 

Drive to Raleigh and spend the night

Fly out at 6 AM, arrive in Boston at 8 AM
Appt at 11:30 AM at Mass General
Fly out at 7 PM, arrive back in RDU at 9 PM

I really want to try to do a one day trip and see how brutal it really is... 
I might be crazy, we'll see :-) 

From Nurse Jan: 
"at the 2/28 visit Oliver will begin a 1 month " baseline" assessment of seizures- this is BEFORE he starts on the study drug;  during this 1 month phase, we cannot make med changes ( except for emergency med use, eg diastat or ativan if needed )"

Remembering how awful the failed brain surgery was
and waiting for a more gentle, less painful, way to help ease the seizures...

So realistically, Oliver won't be getting his first dose until the end of March. I wish we didn't have to wait so long, but I'm still so thankful we are in the trial. 

Thank you for all the support and love you've given us. We have a big year ahead of us with so many is nice to have friends on the journey with us. 

Good news for Georgia regarding legalization of Cannabidiol therapy. I wonder when NC will get it together?

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