Friday, September 23, 2011

Dig Deep

This is dedicated to my friend, Trista. A rare woman who has roots that dig deep. She blooms even in the desert.

But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.

Whose confidence is in him. 

He will be like a tree planted by the water.

That sends out its roots by the stream.

It does not fear when the heat comes.

Its leaves are always green.

It has no worry in a year of drought

and never fails to bear fruit. 

Jeremiah 17:8 

The tree doesn't determine its location. God does.

However, the tree does make the choice to send out its roots to the stream. It feels the freedom to

dig deep. 

The tree is lush even when heat tries to suck it dry. This type of source-living can not be stolen.

It never worries.

Even in a year with no falling water it does not fret. It knows the water will come from those deep roots, underneath, from the bedROCK. Its confidence isn't shaken despite the raging circumstances.

Its branches are heavy with ripe fruit, bent low for the harvest picking. Ready to sustain others with its satisfying fruit.

Confidence radiates from the tree, for the tree
knows who it is. Knows where its strength comes from.

Others come to see the tree, try to understand how it is bursting with life in the desert.

Perhaps it is because, it chose to send its roots deep
until it reached the endless, refreshing stream of Living Water.

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