Saturday, September 24, 2011

Yet Another Crazy Night...

We still haven't seen a seizure, so today makes one week. He has gone as long as 14 days previously, so although we are thankful, we've been fooled before. At least it is a wonderful “break” for his brain for this one week. We'll take it! Also, he often stops having seizures when he is sick, and he is sick right now. Everyday we'll keep praying...

We are so happy to say that Oliver is babbling a ton and really trying to communicate. We love to hear him jabber away. It is a very sweet sound!

Last night Andrew and I had a date night. My mom and dad treated us to a couples' massage. It was heavenly! Then we had a wonderful dinner. It was a great night! Grandma Diane (my mentor and very dear friend) pitched in for babysitting. All of that equalled a wonderful time away!

When we got home Diane said that Oliver had a great night and had just started stirring. He was coughing a bit, so around 10:30 I went up to check on him and get him more comfortable. He had a cold so I thought he might need some juice and repositioning. I decided to stay in bed with him to make sure he was okay. Around 11:30, I realized he just wasn't settling down and seemed really hot. He was twitching and moaning which I have never seen him do. He seemed very disoriented and wasn't intersted in juice (that is a MAJOR red flag).

It was very concerning. The fluid area on the left of his head also looked larger than it did in the afternoon. I brought Oliver downstairs to Andrew and we agreed that something was really wrong. This was all totally weird behavior for Oliver. We rushed him to the ER while on the phone with Boston. Flashers going the whole way, racing down Shipyard Boulevard. Our hearts were pounding and the thoughts of “what if ?“ began to run wild in our minds. All of this is just way too familiar. It leaves you emotionally spent for days.

At the ER his fever kept climbing to 103.1. Once he got some ibuprofen it went down a bit, and he stopped the disorienting behavior. That was a HUGE relief and helped rule out some major brain issues.

The doctor ordered a chest x-ray, and (low and behold) Oliver has pnemomnia. I know, what next? He also has an ear infeciton in his left ear. Poor little guy! Thankfully, Uncle David (an ER doctor) happened to be in town visting and met us there. What a comfort to have him there in person! He kept reminding us everything was going to be ok. He can say things like that and you actaully believe him :)

Now we are hoping for rest. I have a cold and Andrew is recovering from one. Presumably Oliver has this same cold that went into pnemonia (for him). You know his immune system has to be working hard!

Prayers would be appreciated for our little guy.

One thing is for sure, Oliver likes to bring some serious action into our lives!   

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