Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finish Strong

Dr. Duhaime came by tonight with her team. They were encouraged by Oliver's very happy mood. His incision is healing nicely and so far there are no bacteria growing from the culture from Monday's surgery.   All good news!

Barring something unforeseen we will be discharged sometime late tomorrow. (I think I hear angles singing).

Dr. Duhaime said it was totally reasonable for us to return to NC on Saturday. We feel nervous about leaving the comfort of being 10 minutes away from his doctors and yet we are SO ready to be home.

Your prayers continue to strengthen us as we try to finish the Boston leg of this race---strong!

If this were a literal race I imagine y'all as the people giving out water cups and smiling as we hobble along :) Thanks for your cheers, O-Team!

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