Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This morning I was able to get out for a bit. Andrew took his turn this afternoon. These breaks are crucial to our mental health! 

This is not a big concern, but this afternoon Oliver's temperature was 99.9. We are keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't go higher. 

Secondly, Oliver was put on "contact precautions," which means we can't have a roommate (that is good, means another night of rest) and that Oliver can't leave the room (that is bad, because he loves the playroom). They need to get a culture from his stool to make sure the antibiotics aren't killing the good germs too...once he gets the all clear the contact precautions will end.

Today Oliver has had less seizures (4) than yesterday (14). This is a very good sign. He has also been very liberal with his kisses, which makes my heart so happy. 

Is this the coolest gift ever? My friend, Kim Cazier, who is a wonderful artist, happens to also be a very creative gift giver. Here is Brobee, a character from one of Oliver's favorite shows called Yo Gabba Gabba. Kim custom made an O-Team t-shirt to fit Brobee. I can't wait until Oliver sees it...he'll LOVE it.

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