Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fun on the Farm

Happy 5th Birthday Will! We loved your farm themed birthday party. 
Oliver is so happy he gets to be your friend! 

Oliver kept thinking he was going to get a tractor ride. He'll have to wait until he sees his Papaw Tommy and Papaw Grady in October for that treat! 

He got into feeding the goats. He got handful after handful of corn. The goats were very happy! 

Lily Kate threw her hat up in the air and yelled "Yee-Ha!" I actaully caught the moment (when does that ever happen with toddlers?) I love that girl- she has such spunk! Last night she and I decided to be "twins" and wear cowboy boots to Will's party. She decidedto switch to her rain boots this morning and asked her mom to call me. She wanted to tell me so I wouldn't be sad that we weren't going to be real twins. Is that sweet or what? This is a girl after my own heart :) I'm so glad I get to be in her little life. 

This is Lily Kate's newest sister, Hadley Marie. I LOVE this picture of her with her daddy. Is that bow the most precious thing ever? I could eat her up! 

Oliver's first horse ride. He liked it! It seemed to relax him a bit. 

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