Monday, September 19, 2011

To: Oliver From: Thailand

My heart is SO FULL right now.  Oliver is so loved and I am so humbled.


See this precious email from Nid in Thailand. You might need a tissue :)

Dear Stephanie and Andrew,
I hope you the two of you are doing well.
I would like to share my little with you.
The last weekend I have a opportunities organized a retreats for my brother and sister Catholic students.
Which's very nice. We went to stay at Doisuthep close to the Temple where Andrew used to visit during his trip to Visit his brother.
The theme for this retreat is: Understand life and sold close to God... all about our faith to God.. We can ask a special prayer for our self and for everyone.
So I ask special prayer for you Little Oliver which's my students asked me to write our wish to your boy. I took some photos and I have to paper in my room right now but I think
I have to translate it to you first because they wrote in Thai and some in Korea and in Arap many languages. They wrote from them subject at they are studying at the University.
I was very surprise when I saw the Korea language because I don't know what those words means.

Take care and enjoy the photos I will send the paper to you...


I am reminded today that God's love knows no boundaries....

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