Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Joyful Noises

Mrs. Bullers 1st Block Class at Hoggard High School. Their signs say "Get Well Oliver." If that doesn't just melt your heart, I don't know what will.

To all you awesome Vikings: THANK YOU! You made our day so much brighter! Your simple act made a big impact on our hearts.

Oliver continues to enjoy the playroom on the floor. He asked to go there often. At 10 am/pm and also 4 am/pm Oliver has to have a 2 hour IV.  When he isn't resting or getting his IV meds he is wanting to go on rides in the stroller and play.

He has been very happy today. He is singing a great deal and it makes our hearts full to hear his joyful noises.

We're hanging in there as we move towards the 72 hour on anti-biotics mark. Our prayer continues to be for Oliver's full healing so we can return home Saturday. There is still a reasonable chance this won't happen and of course that would be disappointing. In the end it is all about Oliver. Whatever it takes. We'll give everything, but up (that is the TS Alliance tagline, good huh?)

Oliver checking his email :) 

Dr. Oliver is in...does mommy have an ear infection?
She might after this toy has been stuck in her ear for the 100th time. 

In other random news: Today was the first day for Starbucks' Pumpkin Spice Latte. I've been talking about this day all week. Trista, being the stellar friend, ran out in the drizzle and appeared with one for each of us and our nurse (she never had one, gasp!)

So, autumn if you can hear me, please come soon...

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