Friday, September 9, 2011

Oliver's Little Ouchie

We are all packed up and ready to go. The dang media has made us a bit worried about travelling tomorrow. We are planning to go to the airport early to make sure we are at the plane on time.

The view from our hospital room on the regular pediatric floor

Tonight while Oliver played he bumped his head. Carolyn and I were both right beside him, but it only takes a moment with a toddler. Of course, the bump is right on the top of the enormous incision line. It is a challenge, because the doctors would prefer that it be uncovered for healing. Then this happens.  Ugh.

It bled a bit and we are going to watch it through the night. So far it seems ok, but we won't leave Boston tomorrow unless we feel confident it is no biggie.

Tonight I also missed a call from Dr. Duhaime (our neurosurgeon) asking about Oliver. My iPhone doesn't get reception in the house, so I couldn't talk to her. SO frustrating! You know what this is like; a doctor calls, and if you don't answer, your opportunity is lost. We can always call the hospital and have the neurosurgeon on call contacted, but it's nothing like talking to our rockstar doctor.

On the Carousel this afternoon

Wrestling wild thing :) 

Needless to say, we are ready to leave some of the stress in Boston. It is a truly wonderful city and folks have been so good to us here, but I think I've joined Andrew in geting some gray hairs the last three weeks.

We miss all of y'all something fierce.

And friends at CCC, we can't wait to worship with you on Sunday! You are family to us!

On the famous Boston Ducks


Katie said...

Can I just say how beautiful for are Steph! Can't wait to hug all of you!!!

Katie said...

How beautiful YOU are!!! Silly iPhone!