Monday, September 12, 2011

Touch of Whimsy

Mr. Larry Wooten picked us up from the airport on Saturday. I have the privilege of being dear friends with his daughter, Shelley. Shelley and her family have been on the O-Team from its inception! Shelley's mom, Laura, is the BEST cook in NC. Hands down.

We had parked our van at their house, which is super close to the airport. They have provided shuttle service for us numerous times, and it is always a delight to visit with them. So when they offered to have lunch for us on arrival Saturday, we said HECK YES! We never want to miss a Wooten Meal.

As we drove up to their charming home tucked in the woods, they were all outside holding a “welcome home” sign. Shelley and her entire nuclear family, as well as the Barclay family (good friends who used to live in Wilmington) were all waving and cheering. It was a sight for sore eyes!

Now let me tell y'all that when you walk into their house, it is just like walking into a Southern Living magazine. It is elegant, comfortable, and oozes hospitality. Anytime we get an invitation there, we go!

As an example of Mrs. Wooten's hospitality, she made my favorite drink. It is a heavenly slushy mint iced tea. The first sip was bliss! There is nothing like a good ole Southern homecoming.

Then we drove I40 for a short while, and up to our blessed house.  We found this on our front porch.

My awesome friends decorated our porch for Fall. My face hurt from smiling just looking at it. Oh man, I love it when the seasons change :) My favorite part of the porch transformation is the GLITTER PUMPKINS. I adore them. Makes me feel a bit like a grown-up Cinderella. Who said glitter is only for little girls? What a wonderful reminder (right there at the entrance to my home) that despite all this really hard stuff, there is always time for a touch of whimsy and forever friendships!

My friends also coordinated some gifts to be in our house upon arrival. We found baskets full of fruits and candy.  Once again, it was a time when we got all misty eyed because we have been loved so well. THANK YOU THANK YOU!

On Sunday at church, Kim Cazier (a very talented artist and cook and well, everything) presented me with this. She is the one who made the Yo Gabba Gabba t-shirt. Isn't this the coolest thing? Kim definitely won the creative lottery! I put it on my favorite strand of pearls to wear, and I don't want to take it off.

Oliver went to his first day of First Presbyterian Preschool today! He stayed for about one hour, and his amazing teachers (Mrs. Toto & Mrs. Porter) said he did great. We met with them after all the children left to discuss Oliver's special needs. They are very enthusiastic about caring for Oliver, and all the things that make him so unique. Including his wild streak....its BA-ack!

Oliver has only had one seizure today and we are very encouraged! His potty skills are coming along with many laughs. So far there has only been one minor accident on our floor:)

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