Friday, September 16, 2011

The Uphill Road

We have to keep reminding ourselves that recovery takes a LONG time. We want the old rhythm of life to return, but we are far from that right now.

Oliver continues to have behavioral issues as he adjusts. You can imagine what a one month hiatus in discipline does to a two year old. Today everything crescendos with him pulling down Andrew's family heirloom mirror. Thankfully Oliver was ok, but that is a tiny snapshot into our days with him. Wild would be an understatement. We are praying this is all part of the readjustment.

Oliver has also continued to have the need to bite all kinds of things (not his friends thankfully). The wood cabinets, the stairs, chalk, really anything he comes in contact with. This is all part of his sensory processing issues, but it is a constant worry wondering what he is putting in that pie hole. The new bite marks on our built in shelf are just another reminder that Oliver is still in recovery. Still trying to figure out his old/new environment. Please pray I'll have patience with my little vampire :)

As far as seizures, he is still having them. The good news is there are 3-4 a day and they are lasting no more than one minute. The bad news is they are involving more of his body and causing him to bend over, sometimes losing his balance and twice he fell over. These are hard to watch.

Please keep praying for us as we walk the long, mostly uphill road to recovery.

*** I wrote all that last night and didn't post it. I was too tired.*****

See this email that I wrote to the neurosurgery team at Boston at 7:30 AM. I am waiting their response now. I have also put in a call to the team. 

"Last night I went to Oliver's room to check on him because he was crying a bit. I think he had a bad dream so he was almost back asleep when I got there. I ran my hands along the incision to make sure it felt ok. It did. However at the base of his skull on the left side there was some bone protruding. It feels like a hard ball. The other side isn't like that. It is the area that sticks out a bit already (I don't know the name of the area). I wanted to make sure I wasn't over-reacting so I brought him into our bed to check it in different positions and sure enough it is sticking out. I can't imagine what it is exactly, but I wondered if you wanted us to run over to our pediatrician's office this morning?

The idea of another CT scan is really not appealing to us, but of course if he needs one we'll do it. I am sure they'll want to do that first thing, but he has had so many in the last year (4 I think). That is so much radiation for his little brain..."

So if you would, please pray for this situation too. Hopefully it is no big deal.

You can assume if I don't post that no news is good news. If there are any major issues I will let you know!

Love to you all! Thanks for going on this wild ride with us!

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