Sunday, November 27, 2011

No Go

Well we are back from the ER. Looks like in order to be admitted we'd need to go to a clinic appt. tomorrow and then wait for a time for Oliver to be admitted. The pediatric neurologist we would need to see is out of town right now. They were very nice to offer a clinic appointment tomorrow, but I think we are going to cancel it. There are so many unknowns....would we get admitted Monday or Tuesday or even later? Would the insurance pay for an EEG here and then another in Boston? So...we are heading back home this afternoon. You can pray that Oliver's seizures won't worsen while we countdown to the Boston admission on December 15th. We'd love to get through to December 15th without any major scares.

I'll end with some final pictures from our trip to Concord...

Oliver with his cousin, Kaden


Mudder's Famous Mac & Cheese


Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

I hope you all can make it until the 15th. I know how hard it is to wait. We leave in one week for Detroit. Sophie had a period where her middle of the night seizures were worse. It makes the days tick by even slower. But they have seemed to level off and now I think this week is going to fly by way too fast.

legomaster said...

That just seems so wrong.
On Monday can you call Boston? Maybe they have some words of advice? In earlier? Recommend going to emerg at home & liase by phone with staff there? I don't know...but to wait seems so hard on all of you.

Mrs. M said...

Been thinking of you, Stephanie. Hope you all are hanging in there ok....