Thursday, December 1, 2011

Good Week

Oliver's week at preschool has gone really well. He keeps coming up with new words and little phrases. He now says "oh man" and "cool." He also has began (THANK GOD!) to say other people's names. This is so important for his social/emotional development.

He is still having those troubling seizures, but we're just trying to focus on being thankful for all the other gains he seems to be making! We are in frequent contact with our Boston dream team and can't wait to see them. I just need a hug from Dr. Thiele and to see that encouraging smile. I need her to hold my hand again, literally and figuratively. I also look forward to seeing my Boston buddies...we have a little O-Team up there too!

Here is Oliver having a great time with his new Diego book. It was made by Betsy and Kaia from TEACCH here in Wilmington. Both of these women are wonderful resources! I feel so blessed to have them as part of our O-team! They are helping us determine if Oliver is on the Autism Spectrum (if he is it would be rather mild...).

This book was made especially for Oliver and it helps him work on his social skills as well as motor skills. I really wish you all could see the amazing work they do at TEACCH. I am a fan for life!

They've also given me many excellent ideas to help with Oliver's communication skills and behavior. One idea is to give him these choices for a snack by using these picture cards. Instead of him having a tantrum, biting me, or climbing the pantry shelves, he can choose a card to give me (if he can't "find" the words). Perhaps this will eliminate some of the behavior issues that stem from the serious language delay? We've thought about doing this kind of system for a while and now I'm finally ready to make it happen. I admit that it has taken so long because I was not initially thrilled by the idea of spending crazy amounts of time laminating picture cards and then velcroing the heck out of my house...
Then again who thought I'd remove closet doors, put mattresses on the floor, tint windows with permanent auto tint, buy two expensive video monitors in 2 years, install outlets in the ceiling, buy sleep tents and the list goes on and light of that who cares about velcro, right?

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