Monday, November 14, 2011


This weekend we went to a fundraiser for Oliver's little friend, Netta. She also sufferes from epilepsy and had the same brain surgery as Oliver. This family is very dear to our hearts! I love being friends with her mom, Annetta; that woman is constantly inspiring me! We have shared many tears and many laughs on this unexpected journey of mothering children with special needs.


Oliver spent a great deal of this weekend sleeping. We aren’t sure what that was about but we enjoyed some precious cuddle time. 

Thankfully, he hasn’t had a seizure since Thursday. We’re always glad for a break from the seizure monster. So far it appears the liquid form of the Banzel is working and not causing an allergic reaction. We are so grateful, as this drug seems to make a significant difference for Oliver. 

Thank you for your continued prayers. The countdown to our 4th Boston trip of the year (!)  is on. We fly out one month from today…. 


Mrs. M said...

They all look so precious when asleep.
Glad to hear Oliver is getting a break from the Seizure Monsters. Much deserved....

Annetta and Netta....makes me smile because my dear sister whom I am very close to is Annetta and this is not a commmon name so to come across it as your friend's makes me smile.

Glad to hear you enjoyed some fun times with friends.

Claudia said...

Love to all! Continued prayers! So glad the meds seem to be working. I loved your post about your 30th B-day. It looked like so much fun. You deserve every minute!