Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keep Giving Thanks

Playing doctor...

I’ve started on a blog post at least three times. There has been so much going on it is hard to organize all my thoughts. This is the short version.

1-    Oliver’s seizures have been really intense recently. We had a bit of a scare at preschool this morning. He wouldn’t wake up after one of his seizures. Eventually they woke him up. This has happened a few other times to him, but every time it is really scary.

2-    Oliver’s sensory issues continue. He is struggling a great deal with putting things in his mouth, biting and impulsive behavior. I won’t bore you with the details, but I’ll just say this “part” of our lives is very stressful. (See the green marker photo below)

3-    Last week Oliver had his cognitive and language assessment. The results were a mixed bag. His cognitive score was higher than I had thought. He is only at a 25% delay in that area. His cognitive skills are at 25 months (he is actually 34 months old). His Receptive Language is at 17 months (this is the lowest he has ever scored, ever….ugh). He scored as 23 months on Expressive Language putting his combined language skills age at 20 months. That is well over a year delayed. So needless to say we continue to work and work on speech and language skills. 

4-    On Monday Oliver had is IEP design meeting. This is when the school system gets involved with his special education. It starts at 3. I didn’t realize all this started so young….I could write at least four paragraphs about that, but I’ll save that for a day that I have more energy…emotional and physical

5-    We go back to Boston right before Christmas. We are so curious to find out what the EEG will reveal. We are also ready to hear what our options are at this juncture for seizure control. I fear we don't have too many left.

Eating the markers and having a blast while doing it. Mom on the other hand looks like a leprechaun....

Thankfully, Oliver continues to be a very happy boy. He is always ready to dance and sing. I love to watch him dance in his car seat. It is so precious. He is so full of life! He is loving his new preschool. I adore his teachers and the whole staff there. They are extraordinary folks and we're really grateful for their help and encouragement. 

We continue to praise God. We trust that He is at work even when we can't see how or where. We know in the end, we have so little control of Oliver's seizures. So we keep praying and giving thanks and we hope you'll keep joining us...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is always at work. Sometimes we just have to look in the rear view mirror to see how He was working. Never lose the faith.

I am glad you started the IEP so early. It will help him later. The confidence in the school is reassuring. Very glad to hear it!