Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Praying for Charlie Claire

Our sweet buddy, Charlie Claire is having her second brain surgery today. I've thought of her parents, Kristin and Jason, at least 10 times already. My heart is just so heavy for them. That moment when you have to walk out of the Operating Room....oh man, only another parent who has done it can understand. You feel like your heart will break in half and then you just wait....

Please pray for seizure freedom for this little girl. For healing and rest for her weary parents and for health for her twin brother, Jackson.

Isn't she precious?!

Check out Charlie Claire's Blog and please join me in prayers for her today! 


Mrs. M said...

Oh! There's just too many that have to go through such trauma for healing. My heart goes out to her and her family. It'll be a heavy day for them...I pray the results are joyous!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Stephanie for sharing about little Charlie Claire. Will be praying for her as well as Oliver during this time. Praying all goes well in Boston. Have a safe trip and know many prayers are with you and with Charlie Claire's family as well.