Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our Buddy, Charlie Claire

Please pray for our buddy, Charlie Claire. Charlie Claire has also struggled with Infantile Spasms. Yesterday she had brain surgery #1 of 2, to hopefully eliminate her seizures. CC doesn't have TSC like Oliver but, she did have spasms. I have become dear friends with her mom, Kristin, who daily inspires me to keep going. This family is so precious to me. As you can imagine, there is a real comraderie that develops among those of us who have walked this difficult path with our children.

Please pray that CC will be TOTALLY seizure free after this surgery and will make huge developmentally gains post surgery. CC also has a twin brother, Jackson, who does not have spasms. Pray for him too! Pray for Mom and Dad too! It is probably the hardest for them!

Here is the link to CC's blog- go check out this amazing family!

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