Sunday, December 11, 2011

Boston Here We Come (Again)

I'm almost done with the packing for our flight this afternoon. I can't wait until Oliver is potty trained...those size 6 diapers take up so much space! Here is a quick run-down of the Boston plan:

Tuesday Night:
Arrive in Boston, dinner with the Farrells and (hopefully) a great night of sleep, because we will need it.

10 AM be admitted to MGH for a 48 hour EEG for Oliver. This is to help us monitor his seizure activity. Please pray for seizures during this time (I know it is weird, you've prayed for no seizures for so long....)

Possibly a MRI (this is a big deal, because it involves anesthesia and a local child giving up this spot). This is just a possibility right now...
Follow up appointment with Dr. Duhaime (the pediatric neurosurgeon)
First-Time appointment with Dr. Newberry (the pediatric psychiatrist who has worked with hundreds of kids with TSC)
Be discharged from MGH

Enjoy the day in Boston and then head to the airport for an 8:30 PM flight.


Your prayers are a gift to us. We appreciate that even as we have grown weary, you have not. We thank God for you, our awesome O-Team! Here are our prayer requests:

1- We can see God's hand at work in this very hard season. That He would give us eyes to see and hearts of flesh instead of stone. The temptation to become jaded and hardened is stronger than ever.

2- That the doctors would have clear direction on how to move forward. That their minds would be particularly sharp. That God would give them insight into how to help Oliver.

3- That we would be a blessing and a joyful presence for those we interact with during the trip; all the way from the Jet Blue ticket agent to the cleaning crew at the hospital. That we could be an encouragement to our team and express our gratitude for all the sacrifices they've made to help us (and so many other families). Lastly, I think specifically of our friend, who we wrote about in September, Sanela who just had her 8th (!) brain surgery. I hope we'll get to see her while we are in Boston and cheer her on!

Isaiah 58:11

The LORD will guide you always; 
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land 
and will strengthen your frame. 
You will be like a well-watered garden, 
like a spring whose waters never fail.


Claudia and Brian said...

Many many good wishes, love, and hugs to carry with you in Boston. Our minds and hearts will be especially directed to all that you mentioned in your blog posting! Prayers...

Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

Thinking of you as you begin this journey once again.